
keluh kesah di tengah malam.

NEVER believe in 3 people : Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces.
They are the most selfish and mean.

NEVER lose 3 people : Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn.
They are the most sincere and true lovers.

NEVER leave 3 people : Virgo, Libra, Scorpio.
They can keep secrets, friendship , and they can see your tears.

NEVER reject 3 people : Leo, Gemini, Aquarius .
They are true, honest friends.

what do you think guys?

i dont think the libra one totally right. coz i've met one who can't keep my dirty lil secret. sigh.
the pisces one also not true i guess. most of them r nice. so far.


  1. but Gemini is true, a honest friend :)

  2. hahahaa.. parah ka.. aq bikin status gini d fb jd kontroversi.. :p pdhl kan buat lucu2an aja.. huhuhuhu..


jyeah! nonsense!!! :p